Version has the following improvements:
* Fixed Import problem in Expense Tracker regarding Tax Deductible setting.
* Fixed Sort order problems in Rental Income Tracker Report options.
* Improvements to the Resort Map.
* Improvements to Reservation Tracker's Tax Report and Deposits Report.
* Added Sort by Reservation Date to Reservation Tracker.
* Fixed problem with printing Confirmations, etc. in Reservation Tracker.
* Other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.9 had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem adding Other Charges for multiple days/nights in reservation tracker
* Improvements to the Property Management Invoice
* Improvements to the Rent Roll
* Improvements to Resort Map
* Rental Income Tracker reports only collect Deposit info when getting data from Tenant Tracker and if a date range is selected only those that have a Dep Paid date in the Deposit Details section will be included in the report.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Expense Reports now show "Depreciate" and "Not Deductible" properly if the "Tax Deductible Only" option is deselected.
* Rental Income Report for specific dates fixed (for data from RIT records with more than one payment.)
Rent Roll Improvements:
* Generating a Rent Roll from Tenant Tracker for No Payments Yet has been fixed.
* Rent Rolls for All Balances Due that include tenants who have made payments in the current month but have balances due are marked Payment Made.
* If there is a Default Moved In Date specified and a Tenant has Payments that start before that date, then the first payment Due Date will be now be used for the Starting Date.
* Other minor improvements.
Version has the following improvements:
* In the Vacation Unit Tracker History field if the Reservation does not exist for some reason, you now have the option to Restore it (to some extent).
* Improvements to Add Other Charge feature in Reservation Tracker.
* Improvement to Property Management Invoice totals in Expense Reports.
* Improvements to Tenant Tracker when Posting Rents for New Tenants.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improvements in Tenant Tracker and Rental Income Tracker for new Tenants with large Balances Due or Balances on Account.
* Improvements to Payment History Report and Balance Due field in Tenant Tracker
* When the Lease Exp Date is updated in Tenant Tracker, the new date is now displayed properly in Unit Tracker.
* Minor improvement to Expense Tracker's Property Management Invoice totals
* Improvements to Rental Income Tracker Report subtotals
* Add Payment in Reservation Tracker now adds Security Deposit payments to Other Income Tracker automatically if that Preference is set
* When a Payment is added to a Reservation the Status is changed to Reserved after a confirmation
* The Add Repair Notes to the Work Order feature is now working again in Work Order Tracker
* Improvement to the Other Income Tracker Report
* Improvements to Account Register
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improved Rent Roll
* Improved Expense Report
* Improved Tax Form Report
* Improved Property Management - PM Invoice
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed the Option button in Reservation Tracker's Confirmation and Receipt printing window.
* Fixed a problem with Rental Income Tracker Report totals
* In Rental Income Tracker if there is a credit equal to the rent (ie, a Subsidy), and no Payments have been made yet, you can now create a Receipt or Statement.
* Fixed a problem with a Subsidy not being added properly to the Tenant Tracker Payments field.
* Updated Exchange Rates in the Universal Calculator's Currency Money Exchange section.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem with Balance Due calculations in Tenant Tracker
* Fixed a few problems with creating Receipts and Statements in Rental Income Tracker
* Other minor improvements.
Version was not released but had the following improvements:
Changes to Tenant Tracker
* Improvements to the Payment History Report.
* In Tenant Tracker when Post New Rent is clicked and there is a partial payment already entered for the current month, you are asked if you want to add a partial payment. If you answer Add a Partial Payment, the Payment Date on that record is changed to the current date and a Late Charge is added to the Charges field. If a Late Charge was already listed in the Charges field on that record you will be asked for a new Late Charge amount.
* If there is a Balance on Account you will be asked if you want to apply a Credit Adjustment, in the amount of the current month's rent, to the Balance.
* If the Moved In Date does not match the first Payment's Due Date in the Payments field, the Moved In Date will be automatically corrected when you click the Moved In Date field.
Changes to Rental Income Tracker
* If you are creating the first record for a New Tenant in Rental Income Tracker, rather than the Deposit(s) being automatically added to the Charges field, they are now added to the Notes field, and two new buttons appear next to the Create Receipt button. One is Add, which adds the Deposit(s) to the Charges field, so they can be paid, along with the Rent, in one payment. If the Deposit(s) are being paid with a separate payment, then you should click Paid, which creates a separate receipt for the Deposit payment and marks the Deposit(s) paid on the Tenant Tracker record. Once you leave the record, these buttons are hidden.
* If you add a Batch # to a Rental Income Tracker record with a Deposit, when you run a Batch report, the payment for the Deposit(s) will be included.
* Other improvements to Rental Income Report
* Fixed a problem creating a Rental Income Tracker Receipt when there is a Balance On Acount larger than the amount due.
Fixes to Expense Tracker
* If the Automatically Duplicate This Expense Each Month option is enabled on an Expense Tracker record (click ADE to access this option) the ADE button will now read "ADE +" so it is easy to tell if this option is enabled or not.
* Fixed a problem with the Add New Expenses Now feature (in the ADE section of Expense Tracker) with adding records with the same Payee but for different Accounts.
* Other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.8 has the following improvements:
* Fixed Auto Import Income in Other Income Tracker to ignore zero payments
* Fixed problem with dates in Late Notices in Tenant Tracker
* Fixed a problem with Create Receipt in Rental Income Tracker
* The Payment field in Rental Income Tracker is now called Amount Paid
* Fixed PM Invoice to include income from Vacated Tenants
* Improvements in Resort Map
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
Reservation Tracker
* You can now Print the Daily Reminders list in Reservation Tracker.
Tenant Tracker
* Added Only 1 RIT record per Tenant feature to Tenant Tracker Prefs. If you have more than 100 Tenants, we recommend you use this feature to limit the number of records in Rental Income Tracker.
* The Balance Due is now restored if you delete the last Rental Income Tracker record or payment for a Tenant.
* Tenant Tracker Preferences are now Exported and Restored
Rental Income Tracker
* Editing Payment Method has been fixed in Rental Income Tracker
* Added Address to the information sent to Marathon/Synapse for Credit Card processing. This should prevent some declines.
* Improvements to the Resort Map
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
Reservation Tracker
* Sub Total added back to Confirmations when no Payments have been made.
Tenant Tracker
* Payment Method of Subsidy is now added to subsidy payments in Payments field when Automatically Add Subsidy Payments is enabled.
* Improvements to Recreate List
Rental Income Tracker
* Create Receipt button is more reliable
* Commissions for partial payments in Rental Income Tracker added to PM Invoice.
* Account Register button in Other Income Tracker fixed.
Resort Map
* Resort Map now has a Resort Rental Tracker Menu button
New Create Unit Map feature in the Resort Map. Create Single or Double Rows, either Horizontally or Vertically, completely automatically.
New Full Screen option in the Resort Map
You can now set a background color for the Resort Map instead of creating a graphic. Create Unit Map adds labels to help you find a particular Unit.
* Other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.7 has the following improvements:
Reservation Tracker
* Improved Confirmations and Receipts
* Removed duplicate Total Charges line
* Deposit and Deposit Returned are no longer removed from Charges in Receipts
* Fixed problem with ending balances after returning a deposit
* Fixed other problems with returning a deposit
* Improved adding Other Charges and how these got reported in a PM Invoice
* Improvements to Specified Period option in PM Invoice.
* Critical fix to PM Invoice
Tenant Tracker
* Added a control to limit the number of payment periods included in the Payment History report.
* Many other improvements to Payment History report.
* Check #s are now added to the Method column in the Payments field.
* Improvements to Rent Roll and Tenant Reports
Contact Tracker
* Improvements to List Contacts report.
Rental Income Tracker
* Improvements to Rental Income Report
* You can now ONLY delete the Last RIT record for a tenant or ALL records for a tenant.
* Reports with bolded lines are now printed correctly but no longer have footers.
* Added support for printing on A4 paper in reports. A4 option must be set in Print Invoice options
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* In Expense Reports, in the PM Invoice options, when you click Management Fee, after entering a percent, you can choose All Charges or Only Rent. Now if you choose Only Rent, only the Rent amount is added to the amount calculated for the Management Fee, for both Reservations and Tenant payments.
* Other Charges added to Rental Income Tracker records can now be included in a Property Management Invoice (PM Invoice). A This charge to be included in PM Invoices option was added to Tenant Tracker's Other Charges Description.
* Several improvements to the Property Management Invoice (PM Invoice in Expense Reports).
* When Remove Header is selected in Rental Income Tracker's Statement or Receipt window, the footer is now also removed. This allows receipts to be printed on half a page (or less).
* Many improvements to the Rental Income Report including new Total of Other Charges.
* Fixed a problem with Auto Import Income in Other Income Tracker.
* Export files can now be saved in CSV format.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* New Sample Data for Campgrounds is now included with the program.
* Added Payment Method to the Tenant Tracker Payments field
* Added Payment Method to Payment History Report and Rental Income Tracker's Income Report
* Fixed a problem with Create Receipt for tenants with a Balance on Account (< 0)
* Added the option to Auto Import All Payments, All Except Deposits, or Import Only Deposits in Other Income Tracker.
* Pet Deposits are now automatically added to Rental Income Tracker (RIT) records for New Tenants.
* Pet Deposits are now added to Property Management Invoices.
* Fixed a problem when a Deposit is added as a separate payment (ie, paid with separate checks) to RIT.
* Fixed minor problem with the Rent Roll
* Fixed a problem with the Amount Paid in Tenant Tracker being reported as $0 and no receipt being generated
* Date fields in Tenant Tracker all now display the date chooser.
* Problem with entering non-dates for the Lease End Date while creating a new tenant fixed.
* Fixed a problem modifying a Payment in Rental Income Tracker
* Several other minor improvements
Version had a minor fix for Amazon downloads.
Version had the following improvements:
* Data is now exported properly from Expense Tracker. If you have been using a copy of Expense Tracker that has the new ADE feature, please send an email to support @ and request instructions regarding exporting your data.
* Improvements to Check Printing
* Improvements to Combine feature in Expense Tracker
* Help button in 1099Misc window fixed
* Improvements to Transfer to Account feature
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* In Expense Tracker there is a new Automatically Duplicate Expense (ADE) option. If you want the record automatically duplicated each month because it is a recurring expense then click the ADE button and then enable the Automatically Duplicate This Expense Each Month option. Then when you click the Add New Expense Now button, all records with this option enabled will be duplicated for the current month.
* You can now enter an Estimated Departure Date in the Notes section in Tenant Tracker to indicate when a unit will be available for rent again.
* Added Tenants with Estimated Departure Dates to Availability Checker.
* Fixed minor problem with the Rent Roll report.
* Taxes on Charges in Reservation Tracker which are a percent or a multiple of an amount are now more clearly listed.
* The Tax Report in Reservation Tracker Reports, now has an option to report only completed reservations.
* Other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.6 had the following improvements:
* Modifying a Tenant's name now updates Resort Unit Tracker.
* Modifying a Guest's name now updates Contact Tracker
* All Dates in Schedule Checker now works properly
* When you set an Expense Tracker record to Tax Deductible, then the Expense type is now added to the Tax Deductible Expenses list and subsequent records for that Expense Type will always be treated as Tax Deductible.
* Fixed miscalculation when adding tax to an Other Charge that is a percent to Reservation Tracker Charges.
* Adding a Sale Date to a Vacation Unit Tracker record now removes that Unit from the Availability chart.
* Added unlimited photos to Asset Tracker.
* Fixed Add to Contact Tracker feature in Owners/Managers window
* Taxes are no longer added to Total Rent Due in Property Management Invoices when Add Taxes is not enabled.
* Added Size selector to Check Printer and made Voucher resizable.
* Added Pet Deposit fields to Tenant Tracker's Deposit Details section.
* Improvements to deleting Payments from Tenant Tracker or Rental Income Tracker and deleting Rental Income Tracker records.
* More improvements to Rent Roll
* Improvements to PM Invoice
* Clicking the "E-mail" label in Contact Tracker will now either copy the e-mail address to the clipboard for pasting into your e-mail program or open a new e-mail for that contact in your desktop e-mail program.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* An import problem in Expense Tracker was fixed (found only in version
* Fixed miscalculation when adding tax to an Other Charge that is a percent of the Rental Rate to the Reservation Tracker Charges.
* Adding a Sale Date to a Vacation Unit Tracker record now removes that Unit from the Availability chart.
* You can now add an unlimited number of photos to Asset Tracker.
* Taxes are no longer added to Total Rent Due totals in Property Management Invoices when Add Taxes is not enabled.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Reservations can no longer be made for Units listed as Not Available or for Long Term Tenants in Unit Chooser.
* Modifying a Guest's name now updates Contact Tracker
* Modifying a Tenant's name now updates Resort Unit Tracker
* All Dates in Schedule Checker now works properly
* When you set an Expense Tracker record to Tax Deductible, then the Expense type is now added to the Tax Deductible Expenses list and subsequent records for that Expense Type will always be treated as Tax Deductible.
* Other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.5 had the following improvements:
* There is a new Waiting Reservations Report in the Reservation Report window. You choose this and Other Reports from a new drop down menu at the top right of the window.
* Added a check for conflicting reservations to Availability Checker.
* When you delete the most recent Rental Income Tracker record for a Tenant, the associated line in the Tenant Tracker Payments field is now automatically deleted also.
* In the Deposit Details section of Tenant Tracker, when you receive multiple payments for the Deposit, you can now choose Multiple Pays and a new field will be revealed where you can list the Deposit Payments for that tenant. Clicking Add Payment asks for a date, an amount and the method of payment.
* Fixed a problem with adding Deposits along with Monthly Totals to Rental Income Reports.
* When another payment is added to a Rental Income Tracker record after the Late Date you will be asked if you want a Late Charge added (if Late Charge > 0).
* When deleting more than one Rental Income Tracker records, you now have the option to also delete the payments from the Tenant Tracker Payments field. If you are only deleting one record, this happens automatically to prevent Payments with no Rental Income Tracker record.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* In Reservation Tracker's Preferences you can either Calculate the number of weeks before Arrival that the deposit is due or Always use the Reservation Date for the Deposit Due date.
* Default Arrival and Departure Times have been added to Reservation Tracker's Preferences
* You can now enter a 1st Payment of 100% in Reservation Tracker Preferences
* All Dates in Reservation Confirmations, Receipts, etc. are now in a more international friendly format.
* The Reservation Date can now be added to the Second Column in Schedule Checker for Arrivals or Departures.
* Reservations can now be automatically added and updated to multiple installations of the software. Additional registration numbers are required to do this. There is one file to install on a server or shared computer, but no other software is required.
* Transferring funds from one Rental Expense Tracker Account to another is now possible again.
* The current month now always shows up in the Payment History report in Tenant Tracker.
* Improvements to Backup and Restore
* Other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.4 had the following improvements:
* There is a new Suppress Restore Continue Dialogs option in the General section of the Preferences window, which allows the Restore Records process to proceed without any user interaction. If this option is not enabled you will be notified when the records have been restored to each component of the software.
* Schedule Checker now has an Arrivals & Departures option.
* Units Vacated by a Tenant, now appear in Unit Chooser so they can be reserved.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improved Work Order format. The Priority is now added to the Work Orders.
* If you add a second payment in Rental Income Tracker on the same day, with the same Batch number, both payments now appear in the batch report.
* The Rent Paid button in Rental Income Tracker is now called Record Locked.
* Rent Roll options have been changed from Late or Late and Due to No Payments Yet or Any Balance Due or All Tenants.
* You can now Delete a Long Term Tenant from the History field in Resort Unit Tracker.
* Date format in backup file name has been modified
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Added a new option menu to Expense Tracker which has the choices Tax Deductible, Not Deductible, and Depreciate. A list of Expenses to be Depreciated is now added to the end of a Tax Form Report.
* Several improvements to Work Order Tracker:
* Added a Permission to Enter option.
* Added Tenant Name and Phone Number to Vendor Notes.
* Added ability to add Notes Regarding Repairs to Work Order.
* Text of actual Work Orders removed from export and backup files making these files much smaller.
* When Importing Work Order Tracker data, Job Types are now added to the menu.
* Work Order Headers and Footers and Custom Header data are now exported and restored to the Work Order printing window.
* Improvements to Reservation Tracker:
* PayPal is now accepted as a Payment Type. It is also a Credit Card Type (MC, VISA, AMEX and DISC have been removed). Clicking the PayPal option opens your browser and takes you to PayPal.
* Fixed a problem with the CC Number Lock icon in Reservation Tracker.
* Increased length of Rate Names in Reservation Tracker from 10 to 20 characters.
* Fixed minor problem with emailed Reservation Receipts - made col 1 wider
* Improvements to the Tenant Tracker Report or Rent Roll window:
* if you click the Sort by Unit or Bldg option a Select Building button and field now appears.
* Improvements in Rent Roll including New Totals for all Due balances, all Late balances and all Overpaid balances.
* There are new buttons in the Rent Roll window so you can switch between List All, List Only Late, and List Due or Late reports.
* Fixed a problem generating a Tax Form Report when the Unit's Owner field does not contain a percentage.
* Updated Synapse gateway scripts for online payments.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* When selecting a time from Reservation Tracker, the minutes now default to 00.
* Problem with the "Include Rent due based on Departure Dates" option in Property Management Invoice fixed.
* Improvements to the Reservation report
* If a Rental Income Tracker record did not have any Partial Payments in the previous version, one is added on importing or restoring the old records into this new version.
* Tenants who have moved out, but still owe money can now be included on the Rent Roll report.
* Improvements to the Expense report
* Improvements to the Tax Form Report in Expense Tracker. Expenses designated for ALL Units can now be divided by the number of units for the current owner / the total number of units.
* Improvements to the Other Income report
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed problem in importing Vacation Unit menus (in top right part of screen)
* Added an option to Include Waiting Reservations to the Availability Checker in condensed mode.
* Fixed problems with adding Owners to Units.
* Added Company Name and Address from header to the top of Emailed Receipts.
* Balance Due no longer added twice to RIT record.
* Balance Due now can be added for New Tenants.
* Partial Payments now correctly added to Rental Income Tracker Report.
* If the most recent Rental Income Tracker record is not fully paid, you will be asked if you want to create a partial payment or a new record when you click Post New Rent.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improvements to the Reservation Report and Tax Report
* Other charges in Reservation tracker are no longer added to Tax Collected in Other Income Tracker's Report.
* Fixed a problem importing Webreserv backup data.
* Improvements to printing long Confirmations.
* In Reservation Tracker if the Arrival Date is the current date, Checked in is offered as a choice after adding a Payment.
* Added #GUEST PHONE tag to Admin Tasks templates
* Improvements to Expense Reports
* Changed Daily Briefing to Rent Roll on Welcome screen.
* There is now a Post New Rent button in Tenant Tracker that creates a Rental Income Tracker record for that Tenant. This does the same thing as the Create RIT button but is clearer and more readily available.
* Fixed a problem with adding a second month's rent to a new tenant's RIT record.
* The Rent Roll is now sorted by Balance Due when the Due or Late sort is selected.
* Improvements to Expense Reports
* Several other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improvements to Rent Roll
* Improvements to Late Notice
* Improvements to Rental Receipts
* Improvements to Rental Income Report
* Invoice headers are now exported, backed up, imported and restored properly.
* Improvements to Import and Export of Account information in Expense Tracker.
* Fixed a problem with the printing of some reports.
* Several other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improvements to Rent Roll
* Improvements to Late Notice
* Improvements to Vacate Tenant and Multiple Tenancy in Unit Tracker
* Improvements to Auto Import Income in RRTP's Other Income Tracker
* Improvements to posting Refunds in Reservation Tracker to Expense Tracker
* Improvements to posting Payments in Reservation Tracker to Other Income Tracker
* Improvements to Invoice & Confirmation Printing
* Improvements to VAT Report window
* Improvements to Time Chooser
* Improvements to Other Income Tracker Report
* Several other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.3 had the following improvements:
* New Address Format menu now changes to reflect the preference for each record
in Contact Tracker. Minor problems with this new feature have been fixed.
* if there is no check number when you click Print in Expense Tracker you are
now asked for one.
* The $/mi amount in the Travel Deduction section of Expense Tracker will now
accept a different amount for each record.
* Added a Category menu to Task Tracker so you can easily create several
different to do lists.
* Added new Find feature for Expense and Other Income Trackers. Instead of
asking if you want to go to the first or last record and then asking for a parameter
(Expense, Payee, Source, or Account), a list of records for the current
parameter is displayed. You have the option of changing the parameter, going to
any record in the list, or duplicating a record with the current date. Great for
recurring expenses.
* Added Owner accounting reports. After creating a Property Management Invoice
there is a new Reconcile Owner's Account button in the top right corner of the
Invoice screen. Clicking this button creates a new Rental Expense (or Other
Income) Tracker record for the payment to (or from) the Owner. The payment is
also added to an Account field on the Owner's record in the Details section of
the Owner window. You can Print this field or create an Account Register for
the Owner.
* New option in Expense Tracker's New record dialog creates a Combined record
or check for the current Payee with the current Date.
* Management address now optional for Receipts and Notices.
* Added income and Expense totals for Buildings and ALL buildings and units to the
Property Management Invoice.
* Improvements to Work Order Tracker.
* In Schedule Checker you can now choose between printing All of the report or
just the Visible portion.
* Printing of Reservation Confirmations improved. You can now also print an
* Credits and Refunds added to the Payments field are now calculated correctly.
* Availability Checker is now closed when the Status for a Reservation changes.
* Improvements to Rental Income Tracker report.
* Improvements in Adding and Selecting both Units and Tenants.
* Improved Late Notices, Past month's rents and Special Late Charges (base
amount plus daily amount) now reported correctly. You can now also print an
Envelope in all notices.
* Improved Rent Roll report.
* Negative or Credit Payments now allowed in Rental Income Tracker
* Credits now handled properly in Rental Income Tracker's Charges field. Recurring Credits also
* Improved printing of Receipts and Statements. You can now also print an
* Selecting, Adding and Vacating Tenants from Unit Tracker improved.
* Selecting, Adding and Vacating Units from Tenant Tracker improved.
* New dialog reminds you about choosing the correct Moved In date and then
displays the Date Chooser dialog.
* Problem with Auto Import Income in Other Income Tracker fixed.
* Minor problem with Auto Import Income in Contact Tracker fixed.
* Fixed a problem with the Waiting Tenants Report.
* Improved Invoice Printing including clarified More Printing Options.
* Added Liquid preference for Gals or Liters or Litres to Prefs window.
* Improvements to Other Income Tracker Reports.
* Improvements to Task Tracker Reports.
* Minor problems with Deleting Sample Data fixed.
* Minor improvements to Backup and Restore.
* Several other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.2 had the following improvements:
* Added Address Format menu to Prefs and Contact Tracker. There are now more options for both the Zip Code and State or Province field labels. Addresses can now be formatted correctly in 12 different international formats. Applies to Reservation Confirmations and Receipts, Admin Task Notices, and Mailing Lists.
* Added an A4 Paper Size option for European users to the More Print Options in the Reservation Tracker's Confirmation screen. Choosing the International Version in the Format section of Prefs, will also set the printing preference to A4.
* GST & VAT Tax Form generator has been moved to the Tax Forms section of Expense Tracker's Report section. You must enable the International Version in the Format section of Prefs to access this feature.
* Fixed problem with specifying a fixed amount management fee in PM Invoice
* Fixed a problem with inaccurate balance due reporting in Rent Roll.
* Improved the Translation algorithm for all reports and invoices.
* Added PayPal to list of Payment Types in Rental Income Tracker.
* Improved reporting of payment types (Method) in Other Income Tracker Report.
* Added two more Misc. fields to Contact Tracker for a total of four that you can use for any purpose.
* Added the World Time Map to Contact Tracker. Look for the Area Codes & WTM button above the Notes field.
* Several other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.1 had the following improvements:
* Rental Income Tracker (RIT) records can now be left with no payments. You must still Create a Statement or Receipt (but the payment amount can be zero). When New (in RIT) or Create RIT (in Tenant Tracker) is clicked, the existence of a record with no payments is checked.
* Improved Rent Statement when no rent has been paid.
* If the Charges in Rental Income Tracker are changed after creating the first receipt, the Payments field in Tenant Tracker is now updated with the new Amount Due.
* Fixed wrong dates on Late Notice.
* Added the number of days until Lease Expiration to the end of the Rent Roll report.
* Added Vacation Protection Policy to Reservation Tracker's Other Charges.
* This update is recommended for all users.
* Several other minor improvements.
Version 1.4.0 had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem with choosing a date for a Deposit, Payment or Other Charge in Reservation Tracker.
* Added Charges and Payments to Unit Tracker's History field as an extra backup.
* Fixed Add Date to Housekeeping Schedule feature.
* All import and export scripts now are interrupted only by holding down the ctrl or command key.
* Account Register sliders now work in unison.
* Several other minor improvements.
* This update is recommended for all users.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem with the Resort Map when date format was dd/mm/yy
* Fixed Vacate Unit in Resort Unit Tracker
* Fixed a problem with the Occupancy Rate report when date format was dd/mm/yy
* Fixed Edit Line feature in History section of Vacation and Resort Unit Tracker
* Improved status check when going to another record in Reservation Tracker
* Fixed Tax Report in Reservation Tracker's Other Reports
* Fixed Find Unit in Tenant Tracker
* Choosing a Unit in Tenant Tracker now displays Only Vacant Units
* Show Only Vacant Units now toggles with Show All Units.
* Several other minor improvements.
* This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.9 had the following improvements:
* Arrival and Departure times are now added to the Arrival Reminder in Reservation Tracker's Admin Tasks.
* If you change an Arrival or Departure date for an existing reservation you are now asked if you want to change the amount due.
* Added Guest Names to the Daily Reminders in Reservation Tracker
* Added option to add reminders to return security deposits to Daily Reminders.
* You can't create a Confirmation for a Waiting or Canceled reservation.
* You can't create a Receipt for a reservation with no payments.
* New Reservation Tracker preference for the 1st Payment Due Amount.
* New Reservation Tracker preference for the 1st Payment Due Date.
* Added Unit name(s) to top of Confirmation.
* Added new Confirmation Options preference to Show Rate Names instead of Unit Name (if more than one unit on reservation) or "Rental Charge".
* Moved Balance Due line to end of Confirmations.
* First Time Users who Click Here to Set Initial Preferences are now offered the choice of setting the Desktop Cover immediately.
* When you are changing a date - if the date field is not empty and you click a Choose button - the month, day and year for the date to be changed are displayed instead of the current date.
* Added Temperature and Area converters to the Universal Calculator
* Several other minor improvements.
* This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.8 had the following improvements:
* Long amount is now added to Dollar field in the Check Printing window.
* In Reservation Tracker, PayPal is now a payment method.
* Stray clicks will no longer interrupt the Export or Backup process.
* To have all charges due by the Deposit date use the Prepay Charges option in the Deposit section of Reservation Tracker.
* To switch from security deposits to prepayment deposits select the I accept prepayment deposits instead of security deposits option on the Reservation Tracker Prefs screen. To access this screen, click Prefs and then Reservation Tracker Prefs.
* In Reservation Tracker, if you have filled in the 1st Due Date and the Amount Due fields then Unpaid will change to 1st Due when the deposit has been paid or partially paid, so you can access these fields.
* The 1st Due Date feature in the Deposit section in Reservation Tracker has been changed and no longer applies to Deposits. Deposits are due on the Date Due. The Amount Due is due on the 1st Due Date.
* There is now an option for a second payment due date on the Reservation Tracker Prefs screen. If you require two payments before arrival (plus a deposit) select the I require a second prepayment in the amount of option. You will be asked if this amount is a Percent, a Multiple of one nights rate, a Variable amount, or a Set Amount, and for the number of days prior to arrival that this second payment is due. If the Prepay Charges option is enabled, the remainder of charges will be computed if you choose Variable. The 1st Due Date and Amount Due must be filled in for the second due date to be activated.
* Fixed problem updating Unit History when Reservation Charges were edited and when a Security Deposit was returned.
* Improvements to the Add Payment feature in Tenant Tracker's Payments section.
* Several other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed minor problem in Backup button that could exclude Asset Tracker and Work Order Tracker.
* The Deposit amount is now called a "Final Payment" when PrePay Charges and 1st Payment features are both enabled in Reservation Tracker's Deposit section.
* Improved Contact Chooser feature.
Version had the following improvements:
* Minor fix to Restore button
Version 1.3.7 had the following improvements:
* Added 1099-MISC Printing feature to Expense Tracker's Reports - this works similarly to the check printing feature.
Added the Unit ID to the Admin Tasks templates.
* Fixed problem in Reminder list with reservation numbers that do not have a # - Reservation numbers with no # are permitted again provided the first char is not a number.
* In the Housekeeping window, if you list Departures but not Arrivals, dates with an Arrival are now marked with the familiar Dep & Arr Status.
* Fixed a problem with the totals in Reservation Tracker's Income Report.
* Fixed a problem in Rental Income Tracker when subsidy = rent amount.
* Fixed problem with using Default Moved In date in Rental Income Tracker.
* Fixed problem with Auto Import Income in Other Income Tracker.
* Made a few changes to the way the batch reports work in Rental Income Tracker.
* New Sort feature in Go To screen in Contact Tracker which now loads much quicker with large numbers of contact records.
Fixed some problems with Add to Contact Tracker in the Owners Details or Description screen finding the right record.
* Changing the TaxID# and Commission fields in Contact Tracker now properly updates the Owners Details or Description screen.
* Fixed a problem with Main Menu buttons having the wrong label after restore.
* Several other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.6 had the following improvements:
* Management Fees are now exported and imported in Vacation Unit Tracker
* In Work Order Tracker's Add/Select Issue window there is a new button which Adds Tenants to the List. When a tenant is chosen from the list, the phone number is added to the Vendor Notes and the Unit ID is automatically filled in.
* Sort by Date in Admin Tasks Daily Reminders window now works when date format is dd/mm/yy
* Fixed the Delete Res button in Resort Unit Tracker so that both the reservation record and the line are deleted, rather than just the line.
* Fixed Reset button in check printing window
* Minor problem with Import New WR Reservation fixed
* Several other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.5 had the following improvements:
* You can now add Service Fee charges as a percentage of rent in Reservation Tracker
* Fixed a problem with entering a departure date over 12 months away
* Fixed a problem with the WebReserv import and export in Reservation Tracker.
* In Resort Rental Tracker Plus you can now create reservations for Tenant occupied units.
* Fixed a problem in PM Invoice - if the total of other income > 0 then total due to or from owner is now correct
* You can now add two additional columns to the Housekeeping window. These are the Guest Name and the # of Persons.
* An error when importing Resort Map data was fixed
* Several other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.4 had the following improvements:
* Improved Work Order Tracker
* Late charges are now added to the First Payment in Rental Income Tracker if the tenant is late.
* Stored credit card numbers in Reservation Tracker's Online Payments window are now exported and imported. The Look Up feature has been fixed.
* Several other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.3 had the following improvements:
* Improved the ways Rates are Modified and Deleted from the Rates window, and added to Reservations. Fixed a problem with the Multiple Rates feature.
* Minor modifications and improvements to Property Management Invoice.
* Clicking the Admin Tasks button in Reservation Tracker reveals the following new features and controls:
- Create Statement - When the guest arrives, you may want to print a Statement for them.
- Misc Notice or Contract - you can use this feature to send an email to a guest for any purpose (ie, a rental agreement or contract).
- Click Open Daily Reminders to view a scrolling list of reminders with a Done button for each Task. Each line contains the Date the software has assigned for this task, the name of the task and the reservation number. You can click any of these lines to go to the Reservation Tracker record.
- Security Deposit Due - you can send an email to a guest to remind them that their security deposit is due. Click Enable to add a reminder for this task.
- Tentative Res Expiring - you can send an email to a guest to remind them that their Tentative reservation is expiring. Click Enable to add a reminder for this task to the Daily Reminders list.
- Arrival Reminder - you can also send an email to a guest to remind them that their Arrival date is approaching. Click Enable to add a reminder for this task to the Daily Reminders list.
- Thank You Note - you can also send an email to a guest after their departure.
- Add a Property Management Invoice reminder to the list by clicking the Enable PM Invoice Reminder option. Click the Create PM Invoice button to create an invoice.
- You can also add dates to your Daily Reminders list to make sure Pre Cleaning and Post Cleaning for each reservation are performed.
- provides an excellent online booking service, which can be added to your website or is provided as a subdomain to their website. Once you have signed up, you can click WebReserv Setup and upload reservations from Reservation Tracker, so WebReservation's availability tables will be accurate. You will also be able to download reservations from WebReserv, so that you can use all of the great features of Reservation Tracker too. North American users should click here and European users should click here for more information.
* Many other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.2 had the following improvements:
* The Update feature in Reservation Tracker has been fixed
* The list of months in the Availability checker has been updated
* The Translations table in Preferences window is now updated properly on Restore Record
* Using the Translation feature in Reservation Tracker no longer causes emails to be duplicated.
* The Number of weeks before arrival that the deposit is due in the Reservation Tracker Prefs window must now be a whole number.
* There is a new option in the Reservation Tracker Prefs window which will add the Reservation # to the subject line of Confirmation emails. The name of your business has also been added to the subject line.
* A couple of other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.1 had the following improve
* Rental Income Tracker's Graph Report now offers Biggest month AND Rent Due options
* Multiple batch numbers can now be added to one Rental Income Tracker record (one for each partial payment for example)
* Memorial Day is listed on the last Monday in May in the Calendar
* When a Confirmation is pasted into an email it now only gets pasted once.
New Guest List report (in Reservation Tracker's Other Reports) shows what guest or tenant is in each unit.
* Several other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.3.0 had the following improvements:
Reservation Tracker
* You can now process Online Credit Card Payments. When the Enable Online Payments option in either Reservation Tracker or Tenant Tracker Preferences is selected, a new button will appear at the bottom of the Rental Income Tracker window called OCCP. Clicking this button opens a new window where you can Store and Lookup credit card information for your tenants or guests. There are separate windows (and therefore lists) for tenants and guests. When you choose the payment type of Credit Card in Rental Income Tracker or Reservation Tracker, you will have the option of using this new feature. Go to for more information.
* When a Reservation Payment is made with the new Online Credit Card Payment feature, the confirmation number and process id # are both added to the Notes field.
* When Payments in Reservation Tracker are added to Other Income Tracker the Tax Paid is now checked to see if it was previously added. Duplicate Tax payment problems have been fixed.
* If you edit a payment in Reservation Tracker, Other Income Tracker is automatically updated if there is a record for that payment.
* Problems printing Confirmations and Statements have been fixed.
* New Reservation Tracker Preferences window allows you to choose if you want to Create Other Income Tracker records for all Security Deposits (and select the Deposit Account), Create Other Income Tracker records for all Payments (and select the Payment Account), Create Contact Tracker records for all reservations, specify the number of weeks prior to arrival that the Security Deposit is due, set the Deposit Preferences and Amount, set the Lock Code length, Enable Online Payments and go to the Reservation Credit Card Processor (RCCP) window.
* Tentative reservations can now be added to the HTML charts for a single Unit (go to Availability Checker, click Select Unit, click Save, HTML and then Yes). The resulting html file can be uploaded to your website or incorporated into an existing page.
Rental Income Tracker
* In Rental Income Tracker, you can now unlock older records so you can add or edit Charges and Payments by using the new Rent Paid option.
* Notes about Payments in Rental Income Tracker now include amounts as well as dates and the method paid. If the method is Online Credit Card Payment the confirmation number and process id # are both added to the Notes field.
* You can now add additional Rents (such as a Guest Rent) to Tenant Tracker's or Rental Income Tracker's Charges field. You can no longer add Metered charges directly to Rental Income Tracker, they must be added to Tenant Tracker first.
* Subsidy Payments are no longer automatically added to Rental Income Tracker records. When you receive a subsidy payment, you should return to the correct Rental Income Tracker record and add a partial payment for the Subsidy Payment. If the Rent Paid option is enabled, click it to allow editing of the record. Then choose the correct Payment Date, enter the subsidy Payment amount and click Create Receipt. If you liked the way it worked before, click Prefs in Tenant Tracker and select the Automatically Add Subsidy Payments option. Subsidy payments are now always listed second instead of first in the Payments field in both Tenant Tracker and Rental Income Tracker.
* Added an Exclude Subsidy Payments option to Rental Income Tracker report
* A problem causing an inaccurate Balance Due for Rental Income Tracker records with Metered Charges (and Usage amounts) has been fixed. Usage amounts are now always added to Metered Charges.
* Added a Sort feature to the Batch Chooser window in Rental Income Tracker's Report Options.
* Improvements to the Automatically Create Payments (ACP) feature in Rental Income Tracker.
* Clicking a line in the Rental Income Tracker report, when the data was pulled from Tenant Tracker, now goes to the correct record. This feature is implemented in most reports.
* In Rental Income Tracker reports there is now a Graph Monthly Totals button which has limited functionality and only works for All Dates.
Tenant Tracker and Unit Tracker
* New preference in Tenant Tracker lets you choose between paying Rent First or Deposits First
* Create RIT (Rental Income Tracker record) and VIew RIT buttons added to Payments section of Tenant Tracker.
* New Edit Payments dialog in Tenant Tracker's Payments section allows you to change dates and amounts more easily.
* Payments in Tenant Tracker's Payments field are now sorted automatically. To invoke this feature for existing payments, click the Sort button with the ctrl (or Apple) key held down.
* Fixed a problem with saving multiple lines in the Additional Lease names field in Tenant Tracker
* Added a List only unassigned tenants button to the Choose Tenant window in Unit Tracker and the Go To Tenant window in Tenant Tracker.
* Fixed a problem generating Rent Roll Reports from the Tenant Report (enabling the Late or Due Tenants option changes the report to a Rent Roll report).
* Balance Due field is no longer updated by Payment History report button in Tenant Tracker.
* Clicking the Unit field in Rental Unit Tracker with the ctrl key held down will reassign all the tenants to the correct units. Vacated tenant records are not changed
Resort Map
* Resort Map data is now Exported, Backed Up, Restored and Imported properly. If you are updating from the previous version and you want to save your Resort Map, copy your resortmap.rev file to your Desktop. After removing the old program and installing the new one, replace the new version of the resortmap.rev file with the one on your Desktop.
Asset Tracker
* When an Asset is Sold in Asset Tracker it is now automatically removed from the Assets list in Unit Tracker.
* When the Unit for an Asset is changed in Asset Tracker it is now automatically moved from the original unit to the other in the Assets list in Commercial Unit Tracker.
All/Other Components
* Tab adjustment buttons now work together in all reports.
* Improved Email features. Users now have the choice of using the email program on their computer or an online email program.
* Improvements to window positioning. Windows users should no longer experience the invisible windows problem.
* Added Register and Download buttons to the Register screen. An external links.txt file is now available for Affiliates to use, to have these buttons access their affiliate links.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.2.1 had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem with choosing a Unit in Schedule Checker
* Restored dialog that asks about changing the Status in Reservation Tracker
* Fixed a bug in Modify Charges in Rental Income Tracker
* Fixed a problem with WD/WE rates when listed for each day in Reservations
* The method of payment is now recorded in Rental Income Tracker. and is also added to the Receipt.
*All payments are now added to the Payments field (formerly the Partial Payments field) in the expanded Rental Income Tracker window
* US Holidays feature added to Monthly Calendar
* A few other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.2 had the following improvements:
* New Tenant Tracker Preferences allows you to set a Default Moved In date. Instead of entering the first date for using the software for existing tenants in the Moved In date field, you can now put the actual moved in date there, and enter the first date for existing tenants in the new preferences window. You can also reset whether to add Subsidies to Receipts.
* Backup files now record all window colors, locations and if they were open or not, so that more of the users environment can be restored.
* Problem selecting Tenant in Unit Tracker fixed.
* The method of payment is now recorded in Rental Income Tracker again.
* Many other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.1 had the following improvements:
* Fixed problem with exporting Availability Checker to HTML
* Reservations for multiple months are now multiplied by monthly rate correctly
* Fixed problem adding a tenant to Vacation Unit Tracker
* Fixed problem vacating a unit from Tenant Tracker
* Fixed a problem adding an Asset in Vacation Unit Tracker
* When you click a Resort Map shape for a reservation and choose Payment and there is only one active reservation for that unit, you are now taken directly to the Reservation Tracker record.
* Monthly reservations are now assigned the correct color in the Resort Map
* Added a new preferences window to Reservation Tracker with a new option for creating new contact records for each reservation.
* Added Vacate Unit button to Vacation Unit Tracker
* Fixed problem with rent receipts reporting an amount of $0
* Improvements made to the Money Exchange section of the Universal Calculator
* The state of the Waiting button and the list of Other Charges with their descriptions are now included in the Tenant Tracker section of the backup file
* Many other minor improvements.
This update is recommended for all users.
Version 1.0 is a combination of Rental Property Tracker and Vacation Rental Tracker and adds the following new features:
* Asset Tracker keeps track of any appliances, furniture, etc. that is rented with the unit.
* Work Order Tracker keeps track of any repairs or maintenance schedules.
* The Resort Map is a graphical representation of your units and allows you to quickly pick a unit when you want to record a payment, select a new Tenant, create a new Reservation or go to the Resort Unit Tracker record.
* Two new tabs have been added to Vacation Unit Tracker where you can assign a Tenant (for long term rentals) and keep track of all the Assets in a unit.