Version 1.12.9 has the following improvements:
* Fixed Import problem in Expense Tracker regarding Tax Deductible setting.
* Create Statement on Rental Income Tracker records with a Subsidy deducts the subsidy from the Balance Due if no payments have been made.
* Fixed Sort order problems in Rental Income Tracker Report options.
* Rental Income Tracker reports only collect Deposit info when getting data from Tenant Tracker and if a date range is selected only those that have a Dep Paid date in the Deposit Details section will be included in the report.
* Improvements to the Property Management Invoice
* Improvements to the Rent Roll Print window.
* Other minor improvements.
Version has the following improvements:
* Expense Reports now show "Depreciate" and "Not Deductible" properly if the "Tax Deductible Only" option is deselected.
* Rental Income Report for specific dates fixed (for data from RIT records with more than one payment.)
Rent Roll Improvements:
* Generating a Rent Roll from Tenant Tracker for No Payments Yet has been fixed.
* Rent Rolls for All Balances Due that include tenants who have made payments in the current month but have balances due are marked Payment Made.
* If there is a Default Moved In Date specified and a Tenant has Payments that start before that date, then the first payment Due Date will be now be used for the Starting Date.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improvement to Property Management Invoice totals in Expense Reports.
* Improvements to Modifying Unit and Building names
* Improvements to assigning Owners to Units
* Improvements to Tenant Tracker when Posting Rents for New Tenants.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improvements in Tenant Tracker and Rental Income Tracker for new Tenants with large Balances Due or Balances on Account.
* Improvements to Payment History Report and Balance Due field in Tenant Tracker
* When the Lease Exp Date is updated in Tenant Tracker, the new date is now displayed properly in Unit Tracker.
* Minor improvement to Expense Tracker's Property Management Invoice totals
* Improvements to Rental Income Tracker Report subtotals
* Improvement to the Other Income Tracker Report
* Improvements to Account Register
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Improved Rent Roll
* Improved Expense Report
* Improved Tax Form Report
* Improved Property Management - PM Invoice
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem with Rental Income Tracker Report totals
* In Rental Income Tracker if there is a credit equal to the rent (ie, a Subsidy), and no Payments have been made yet, you can now create a Receipt or Statement.
* Fixed a problem with a Subsidy not being added properly to the Tenant Tracker Payments field.
* Updated Exchange Rates in the Universal Calculator's Currency Money Exchange section.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem with Balance Due calculations in Tenant Tracker
* Fixed a few problems with creating Receipts and Statements in Rental Income Tracker
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem adding partial Deposit Payments in RPTL
Features added to Tenant Tracker
* If there is a Balance on Account you will be asked if you want to apply a Credit Adjustment, in the amount of the current month's rent, to the Balance.
* Improvements to the Payment History Report.
* If the Moved In Date does not match the first Payment's Due Date in the Payments field, the Moved In Date will be automatically corrected when you click the Moved In Date field.
Features added to Rental Income Tracker
* If you add a Batch # to a Rental Income Tracker record with a Deposit, when you run a Batch report, the payment for the Deposit(s) will be included.
* Other improvements to Rental Income Report
* Fixed a problem creating a Rental Income Tracker Receipt when there is a Balance On Acount larger than the amount due.
* Other minor improvements.
Version 1.12.8 had the following improvements:
* Fixed Auto Import Income in Other Income Tracker to ignore zero payments
* Fixed problem with dates in Late Notices in Tenant Tracker
* Fixed a problem with Create Receipt in Rental Income Tracker
* The Payment field in Rental Income Tracker is now called Amount Paid
* Fixed PM Invoice to include income from Vacated Tenants
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
Tenant Tracker
* The Balance Due is now restored if you delete the last Rental Income Tracker record for a Tenant.
* Choosing Vacate from the Add/Select Unit button now works properly.
Unit Tracker
In Unit Tracker if Multiple Tenancy in enabled and you click on a Tenant name, the Vacate Tenant button now appears again and works properly.
Rental Income Tracker
* Editing Payment Method has been fixed in Rental Income Tracker
* Other minor improvements.
Version was for internal testing.
Version 1.12.7 had the following improvements:
Tenant Tracker
* Added a control to limit the number of payment periods included in the Payment History report.
* Many other improvements to Payment History report.
* Missing Delete Other Recurring Charges button restored.
* Check #s are now added to the Method column in the Payments field.
* Payment Method of Subsidy is now added to subsidy payments in Payments field when Automatically Add Subsidy Payments is enabled.
* Improvements to Recreate List
* Improvements to Rent Roll and Tenant Reports
* Added Days to Lease Exp. column to Rent Roll section.
* Improvements to the Sync feature
* Improvements to Tenant Tracker Report
Unit Tracker
* Fixed Vacate Unit feature
* Unit Lists are sorted Alphabetically again
Rental Income Tracker
* Improvements to Rental Income Report
* You can now ONLY delete the Last RIT record for a tenant or ALL records for a tenant.
* Create Receipt button is more reliable
Expense Tracker
* Improvements to Expense Tracker Report
* Reports with bolded lines are now printed correctly but no longer have footers.
* Added support for printing on A4 paper in reports. A4 option must be set in Print Invoice options
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Unit Names are now added to the Address field automatically when creating new single Unit records for Buildings.
* When Remove Header is selected in Rental Income Tracker's Statement or Receipt window, the footer is now also removed. This allows receipts to be printed on half a page (or less).
* Many improvements to the Rental Income Report including new Total of Other Charges.
* Several improvements to the Property Management Invoice (PM Invoice in Expense Reports).
* Fixed a problem with Auto Import Income in Other Income Tracker.
* Export files can now be saved in CSV format.
* Other minor improvements.
Version had the following improvements:
* Fixed a problem with Create Receipt for tenants with a Balance on Account (< 0)
* Pet Deposits are now automatically added to Rental Income Tracker (RIT) records for New Tenants.
* Pet Deposits are now added to Property Management Invoices.
* Fixed a problem when a Deposit is added as a separate payment (ie, paid with separate checks) to RIT.
* Fixed a couple of problems with Vacate Unit in Unit Tracker
* Date fields in Tenant Tracker all now display the date chooser.
* Problem with entering non-dates for the Lease End Date while creating a new tenant fixed.
* Fixed a problem modifying a Payment in Rental Income Tracker
* Several other minor improvements
Version had the following improvements: ( was an internal release)
* Added Payment Method to the Tenant Tracker Payments field
* Clicking a line in either the normal or expanded Payments field in Tenant Tracker goes to the RIT record for that payment.
* Adding a date to the Dep Paid field in Deposit Details now works reliably again
* Minor problem with Rent Roll fixed
* Rental Income Tracker (RIT) records are now updated when an address is added or changed
* RIT records are now updated when Payment amount is changed
* Fixed a problem with the Amount Paid in Tenant Tracker being reported as $0 and no receipt being generated
* Rent Roll now displays Unit Names > 25 characters properly
* Added Payment Method to Payment History Report and RIT Income Report
* Fixed a problem with updating all Unit Records for a Building from the Unit Cost section.
* Fixed a problem modifying a Payment in RIT
* A few other minor improvements
Version had the following improvements:
* Clicking lines of reports should now go to the correct record.
* Fixed problem with the wrong Duplicate Rent Receipt being generated.
* A few other minor improvements
1.12.6 had the following improvements:
* All of the Sample Data can now be deleted at the same time from any Delete button.
* Fixed problem with automatic addition of Late Charges to Rental Income Tracker.
* Many other minor improvements
Version had the following improvements:
* The first version was not thoroughly tested and has many problems. This new version is much better and has many improvements.
* The most important improvement is that data can now be properly backed up and transfered to another version of the program.
* ALL users should update to this version. If you have any data you want to save, contact us first.
The first version of Rental Property Tracker Lite is v1.12.5.5
* Rental Property Tracker Lite has a single main screen, larger type and less features than Rental Property Tracker Plus.
* The Rental Property Tracker Lite screen is divided into three general areas which display different information depending on the tab selected at the top right of the screen.
* If the Rental Income Tracker tab is selected, Tenant Tracker appears on the left and Rental Income Tracker on the right.
* If the Unit Tracker tab is selected, Tenant Tracker appears on the left and Unit Tracker on the right.
* If the Expense Tracker tab is selected, Other Income Tracker appears on the left and Expense Tracker on the right.
* The lower section of the window is devoted to the Rent Roll table which will show you all the Tenants who are Late with their Rent.
* There is a Full Screen option near the top of the window, which toggles the window between full screen and an independent window.