SpiritWorks Software Inc. creates easy-to-use software for rental property managers. Accounting software for non-accountants Email Scheduler Tracker - Automatically Schedule Emails for Future Delivery.
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This easy-to-use software schedules and auto sends your email reminders automatically. Free trial software for Mac and Windows that resides securely on your desktop. A one time payment gets you great customer support and updates.

Email Scheduler Tracker

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after your
10 day free trial!
(Includes Customer Support)

Your Complete
is our #1 Goal

Email Scheduler Tracker is easy-to-use email management software with which you can:

• Send automated emails to customers, prospects, webinar participants, etc. in either plain text or HTML text, either immediately or at any time and date in the future.

• Send automatic email reminders to one or more people - all at once or separately.

Schedule an email to be sent Yearly, Monthly, Weekly or Daily with this email marketing software.

• This email scheduling software easily manages many messages - with or without attachments - to be sent at various times and dates.

• Our stand alone automatic email sender for Mac or Windows, does not require any other software to be installed. Messages can be generated (but not sent) while off-line.

• Our easy-to-use email management software software Includes integrated help, and Tips for getting started with Email Scheduler Tracker.

• This portable application will easily install and run on most desktop or portable computers, and any portable drive.

Try out this inventory management software.

We offer Prompt, Personal Service & Technical Support
as part of our Automatic Email Tracking Software
for Mac & Windows


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