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SpiritWorks updates Rental Property Tracker Plus

Contact: Garth Catterall-Heart
Phone: 503-560-1028
E-MAIL: info@spiritworks-software.com
Graphics available upon request

New Version of SpiritWorks Software Released

McMinnville, OR, September 15, 2006 - SpiritWorks Software released a new version of their popular Rental Property Tracker Plus program today.

Version has the following changes:

* You can now choose a Fortnightly (every 14 days) rental period.

* You will now be asked if you want to update the balances when you click Mark Late Tenants.

* Property Management Fees and Service Fees may now include a fraction of a percent (ie 2.5% = .025) in Expense Tracker's Property Management Invoice report.

* Property Management Fees may be charged for All Charges (except deposits) or Only Rent.

* There is now a Allow Duplicate Check #s option in Expense Tracker's Accounts dialog.

* When creating the first record for a tenant in Rental Income Tracker, the actual Late Date is now entered.

Auto Import Income in Other Income Tracker no longer imports any Subsidy payments, only payments made by the Tenant.

* A new Automatically Create Payment option has been added to the Payments section of Tenant Tracker.

* A new ACP (Auto Create Payments) button has been added to Rental Income Tracker. This button checks to see if any Tenant records have the new Automatically Create Payment option set and adds a new record to Rental Income Tracker (if one does not already exist) for the current rental period for those tenants. This feature is useful if you automatically deduct the Tenant's rent from their checking account.

* A few other very minor changes especially for Mac OS 10 users.

Users can try out the software free for 10 days, before registering it for only $149. Rental Property Tracker Plus runs on most computers including, Windows 98/2000/NT/XP and Macintosh operating systems.

Stephanie Remer writes "HALLELUAH!! I have tried and used (or demo'd) over a dozen Rental Property/Property Management Software Packages. NONE OF THEM, compare to the ease of use with your Rental Property Tracker Plus. Forgive the cliche, but it really should be called "Property Management for Dummies" because it is SO USER FRIENDLY! It guides you effortlessly through each step of data input. I will definately show it off at the next Property Owners Association Meeting here in Omaha, NE. I'm just thankful, I can sit down and input data without dozens of calls to a support line, or to hours of reading online help screens or manuals. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!"

About SpiritWorks Software Development:

SpiritWorks Software Development, which recently moved to McMinnville, OR, is a developer of personal productivity software for self-employed professionals, small businesses and property rental managers. Their line of small business information management systems, which includes Rental Property Tracker Plus, Vacation Rental Tracker Plus, Activity and Expense Tracker, Inventory Tracker Plus and Small Business Tracker Deluxe, is designed to help customers streamline their business, be more productive and increase profit margins. They also provide web site design and custom interactive media such as multimedia sales and interactive training presentations. For more information about the highly respected software offered by SpiritWorks Software Development, please email info@spiritworks-software.com or visit the company's web site at http://www.spiritworks-software.com.